Well, here’s another part of my journal that i need to write and hopefully this will last a while. actually, just long enough to put down my thoughts of how i see the world around me and not really taking into account of how it effects me as much as how things affect other people. I guess I am living up to “pretending to create and observe when I’m really detaching from feeling alive.” that’s not good.
So anyways, this is the first journal entry of many more I hope. Hoping that in these few words, I’ll discover my voice and possibly discover the real me.
So last night was the first class from my playwriting class and something happened when I was writing a monologue about a character loving an something. We didn’t get to share it, but I started to think about and hear this person’s voice in terms of rhythm and tempo. As always with writing anything, well for me, the process needs to ramp up before it starts to take off and that stream of consciousness starts to take over and the gift happens and i get out of it’s way. it’s just one of those things that can’t be explained and i’ve been doing this long enough to know that it is what it is and even though i’m in awe of this gift, and thankful beyond words for being blessed, i no longer have to explain it. you know?
anyways, another part of this journal has to do with eavesdropping and i have to figure out just exactly will i do this. Riding the bus is hilarious as I’ve found out in the past. Waiting on a platform is pretty good too. I’ve tried listening on conversations at bookstores or cafes. so have to carve out some time to do that as well.
okay, gotta turn in. hope to keep this going! night 🙂