Not sure where I want this career to go right now. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to write! As a matter of fact, I just finished a draft of my one-act, STANDING ABOVE PAJARO and feel good about the edits and reigning some stuff in. But in terms of what kind of writer I want to be… I mean, I think where my confusion lies is staying true to one of the reasons I wanted to be a playwright in the first place – it was to tell the stories of my Filipino-American culture, heritage, and perspective. I mean, I know I still can, but I guess, I was going through a patch where I felt like I had to abandon that perspective to be more “universal” and accepted. I didn’t want to be placed in the Asian-American “box” and started to think why should I because I’m human and AMERICAN after all.
But the more I wanted to break away from my roots, those same roots pulled on me harder to force me to not abandon everything I’ve been. I know that this probably doesn’t make a whole heap of sense, but it does to me. I don’t think it even has to do with finding that balance as much as being true to who I am and to be able just to write what makes me feel “right”. In a way, I feel more free to write whatever I want to because I can write from the heart and make no compromises. If people don’t get it, then I can’t help them. I have to be the artist God has made me to be.