Image courtesy of Jeremy Rafal @thatonepianoguy
I’m so happy to announce the first reading of Standing Above Pajaro – The Opera. It will take place on October 4, 2024 at 7pm at The Museum of Chinese in America (215 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013). This is truly something that I never would have thought would happen. I’m so grateful to Joachim Luis for making this happen. He’s an amazing Tenor and I’m truly honored that he asked me permission to use my play about the 1930 Watsonville Riots to be reimagined as an Opera for him to portray the titular character, Celestino Tobera, who escapes from a mob hunting down Filipinos to drive them out of their town. Just to finally have a Filipino represented as a Lead in an operatic story is such a dream come true.
I am also grateful for Jeremy Rafal for accepting the role of music composer for this opera (photo credit to the above to Jeremy’s Instagram Feed). I couldn’t believe my ears at first listen to his complex, yet powerful, score. Being a musical fan, I’ve only heard lyrics being sung in the light of a musical… so lyrics that had a rhyme structure. Hearing my script’s dialogue put to music was thrilling! I am beyond thrilled for this opportunity 🙂
Is there a list of the vocalists?
Apologies for the late reply.
Celestino: Joachim Luis
Melissa: Laura Virella
Bobby Jr.: Billy Huyler