Download the script (PDF) Being Careful by conrad a. panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS STEPHEN: Late 30s. Male. Single. Techie. MELISSA: Late 30s. Female. Single. Receptionist. STEPHEN is banging on the door while MELISSA is sitting at a table pouring some wine into a glass. STEPHEN Let us out! Hey! Hey!!! Is anyone out there?! I…
Read more...Author: Conrad
Download the script (PDF) Teardropped by Conrad A. Panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS SWIVELS: 40s. Male. Photographer. TEARDROP: 40s. Male. Prisoner. Awaiting execution in 3 days. Lights up on SWIVELS and TEARDROP sitting across from each other at a table. SWIVELS is looking around very nervous. TEARDROP Thanks for coming. SWIVELS Uh… yeah. So, um, you…
Read more...The Rope That Binds
Download the script (PDF) The Rope That Binds A One-Act Guide Out of the Aokigahara Forest by conrad a. panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS PAULO: Late 20s, early 30s. Male. A tortured soul trying to do the “right” thing. NEMI: Early 20s. Female. Punk rock fashioned rebel left with nothing left to rebel against. TIME This…
Read more...Boys Don’t Bake Cake
Download the script (PDF) Boys Don’t Bake Cake A Short Comedy by conrad a. panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS Madison Hipolito Gaspar: Early 20s. Female. Freshly college graduate. Over achiever. Lauryn Gaspar: Early 20s. Female. Kacey’s younger sister. Madison’s cousin. A girly girl who likes romance and pretty things. Kacey Gaspar: Early 20s. Female. Lauryn’s older…
Read more...Esperanza Means Hope
Copyright Notice: Scripts on this website are copyright protected and may not be reproduced, distributed, disseminated, altered or performed without the author’s prior written permission. Download the script (PDF) Esperanza Means Hopeby conrad a. panganiban Survivor monologues written by Gladys Imperio-Acosta Original Songs written by Dee Pizarro and Loui Paman CHARACTERS ESPY COJUANCO TAN:…
Read more...Devoted
Download the script (PDF) DevotedA 10-Minute Love Story Through Time by Conrad A. Panganiban Cast of Characters MARY/MARISOL/MARIA CLARA: 20s. Filipina. Dressed in black as a statement of rebellion against love in all of it’s forms, shapes, and spaces. CHRIS/CRISTOBAL/CRISOSTOMO: 30s. Filipino American. A history professor and author who’s mysterious past has come back to…
Read more...The Gift
Download the script (PDF) The Gift A 10-minute Sci-Fi Drama Comedy by Conrad A. Panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS Ysa Manansala: Late teens to early 20’s. Female. Intelligent. Wise ass. Heart-transplant recipient and owner of a powerful gift. Cora Ayala/Female: Mid 40’s. Female. Art collector. Stoic and matter-of-fact. Noah/Male: Male. Assistant to Cora Ayala. SETTING 1)…
Read more...Another chance to leave something behind
I’m back! Feels like forever since I posted a new entry on this site. But I’m kinda stoked about the new look and that I FINALLY have been able to post up most of my produced plays. One of the reasons for my need to have these put up is because I had a health…
Read more...The Taco Belle of Fruitvale
Download the script (PDF) The Taco Belle of Fruitvale by conrad a. panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS FLORENCE: Female. The maker of Fruitvale’s Best Tacos. TYRONE: Male. A mugger in possession of an impeccable palette. Lights up on FLORENCE as she is holding a heating square bag used to keep food warm. In front of her…
Read more...Thicker Than Wine
Download the script (PDF) Thicker Than Wine A Drama based on the short story, Portrait of an Aristocrat, from the novel When The Elephants Dance by Tess Uriza Holthe by conrad a. panganiban CAST OF CHARACTERS Fredrico Jacinto-Basa: 22. A Painter in conflict with his family’s past, with his brother, and his place in the…