N is for… – How To Playwright. Love this post… and this BLOG! I’m a fan and I need to take a break. My hunched back is beginning to bark at me.
Author: Conrad
The Sound of Fury – Stephen Adly Guirgiss
The Sound of Fury – New York Times. I’m “inspired” by the stories of his procrastination. Inspired isn’t really the word, but relatable seems to be suited more to me. At any rate, it’s a good read… as well as inspiring.
Milk, Eggs, and Submit More!
So, I’m still trying to get adjusted to this new life. I’m surprisingly waking up earlier than ever, even though this is a by-product of sleeping earlier… or that just might be because of my age (41). At any rate, I’ve been thinking about the steps I need to do to ensure that this new…
Happy BIRTH day to me!
It’s kind of poetic that I re-begin my blog on my birthday. I started a new life chapter on Monday. And honestly, it scares the crap out of me. How am I going to afford the mortgage payments while keeping up with all my bills? What kind of dbag am I to leave my team…
The Isherwood Talkback. « The Heavy Lifting
The Isherwood Talkback. « The Heavy Lifting. Very interesting article. Especially since this week’s assignment is to write a Direct Address Monologue.
The Next Big Thing
My friend and fellow writer Shannon Lee L. Pacaoan has introduced me to The Next Big Thing where I write about one of my books. Since I haven’t written a book yet, I have chosen to write about “Standing Above Pajaro,” the play. Where did the idea come from for the book? Fermin Tobera was…
The Bench Project 2 – 06 Ensemble
Over the moon to be associated with this production and into orbit with how much fun this experience will be! We had our first read-through earlier this week, and I couldn’t be happier! I hope that you’re able to join us! The deets are below: By popular demand, The 06 Ensemble is returning with a…
Life, Love, Me – a poem
An assignment for one of my classes was to write a poem in the style of the poet, Sarah Riggs. Her work is beautiful and playful and smart and beautiful (because it is). This was also inspired by the play, ESPERANZA MEANS HOPE, because she’s calling out to me again. It felt good to write…
Another bio
This is actually a bio for Sinag-tala in the role of a graphic designer. But since, I’m more of a playwright now: Conrad A. Panganiban joined Sinag-tala in 1994 and has designed a number of Sinag-tala’s flyers, posters, websites and other graphic material since 2003 after graduating from the Academy of Art University with…
The Ultimate Revenge for a Man Named Stan
Download the script (PDF) The Ultimate Revenge for a Man Named Stan by conrad a. panganiban written 09/03/12 MOJO510: Early 20s. Female. Art school, hipstress, very innocent look. AMADI: Mid 20s. Male. Rookie Pro basketball player. Setting An elevator. Playwright’s Note To set the mood, I am using the intro to the song, STAN, by…